Year 2: A Look Ahead for Armature Works

Armature Works was Tampa's surprise star of 2018, bringing over a million guests and breathing new life in to the sleepy neighborhood of Tampa Heights in just its first year. But the minds behind the development say that was only the start — just wait until year two.

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Derek Herscovici

Floridians are spoiled with weather akin to tropical paradise year-round. But how much potential enjoyment goes to waste? Empty backyard spaces are untapped extensions of the home, capable of transforming into sunlit kitchens, poolside lounges, outdoor grills and more.

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Derek Herscovici
Meat. Cheese. Repeat.

The omnipresent cheese platter has remained a fixture at holiday parties, urbane social gatherings and haphazard wine nights for years — centuries, to be specific. At the height of the French aristocracy, chefs who maintained the royal food perfected the art of charcuterie by preserving and preparing various meat and cheese platters for the royal court.

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Healthy Appetite

We live in a complex world where anything can be personalized—especially dieting. While nothing burns fat and builds muscle like ol’ fashioned exercise, supplementing your workout with body-boosting natural foods and vitamins can elevate your results. TAMPA Magazine asked Dr. Michael Heim, a part-time triathlete, and nutritionist/football player Cody Durakovic how to start, pick and stick with a new diet.

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Fun Without the Sun

Summers in Tampa Bay involve two types of weather: “raining now” and “raining later.” A sunny morning can become a washed-out bummer faster than a crack of lightning – check out some of Tampa’s cooler indoor activities and don’t let the storm dampen your hard-earned free time.

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What's Brewing, Tampa?

There’s “coffee” — the generic office brew that tastes stale even when it’s fresh — and then there’s coffee, an experience worth driving a few miles for. Here are some of the more exciting ways to perk up the morning, afternoon and beyond. 

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Ramen the Right Way

It’s time to stop associating ramen — Chinese wheat noodles, served in a meatbased broth, flavored with soy sauce or miso — with the cheap snack ubiquitous to college dorms. When done properly, ramen dishes can stand with the best Asian cuisine around. Here are some places to check out around the Bay area.

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Mad For Margaritas

No one is entirely sure who inspired the name of one the world’s most popular cocktails, but the margarita is still being served up around town with unique spins on the original ingredients: tequila, triple sec and lime juice.

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On the Shores of Fortune: The Failed Conquest of Tampa Bay

Columbus’ discovery of the New World in 1492 was an opportunity for battle-tested soldiers of the Reconquista to gain fame, glory and wealth expanding the Spanish empire. Conquering modern-day Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Spanish were intrigued by stories of a rich land to the north; little did they know they would encounter a civilization nearly as intractable and violent as their own. The story of the first people of Tampa Bay is eternally intertwined with that of the first European explorers.

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The Best Thing (Not In My Restaurant) Seafood

Just like the ocean, Tampa’s seafood community is complex, diverse and always unpredictable. On any given night the same species of fish can be cooked a dozen different ways, a reflection of the city’s growing taste buds and tastemakers. To discover some of the city’s best seafood we asked five of Tampa’s top chefs what they order when they’re not on the job – and not in their restaurant.

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Near the Water, On the Rocks

You don’t need a thermometer to tell that summer’s back. Maybe it’s global warming, or maybe spring took the year off, but one way or another beach season is here. Cool off with these island-inspired cocktails, served at some of the Bay area’s best lounges on or near the waterfront. And don’t worry about the weather – rising tides mean more beach for all of us.

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