Posts in History
On the Shores of Fortune: The Failed Conquest of Tampa Bay

Columbus’ discovery of the New World in 1492 was an opportunity for battle-tested soldiers of the Reconquista to gain fame, glory and wealth expanding the Spanish empire. Conquering modern-day Cuba and Puerto Rico, the Spanish were intrigued by stories of a rich land to the north; little did they know they would encounter a civilization nearly as intractable and violent as their own. The story of the first people of Tampa Bay is eternally intertwined with that of the first European explorers.

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Rustling the Palmetto Thicket: Florida's Cracker Cowboys

TO A FLORIDA NATIVE, BEING CALLED A “CRACKER” IS A COMPLIMENT. It recalls the grit and tenacity of laboring cowboys who came generations before them, from which the nickname is derived. Many associate the cowboy with the “Wild West,” but few know that these bullwhip-toting ancestors shaped the landscape, history and economy that make Florida what it is today – and we’re proud to share the story of the term’s roots.

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